Residential Rental – Provo, Utah

Provo, Utah

2-story, 3,736 square feet
Cost Reclassified: 40.76%

Year 1 Increased Depreciation: 

Few investors and even CPAs understand that cost segregation benefits can apply to all income-producing investments, including single family rental homes, or in this case a low-cost four-plex. CSA Partners was engaged to perform a study on this property located in Provo, Utah in 2017 and the results were incredible.

5 – Year: 25.60%
7 – Year: 0%
15 – Year: 15.16%
Total Reclassified: 40.76%

For an entry-level investor, this unexpected benefit meant the world as they used the savings to invest in another four-plex to be completed in 2018. You can be sure we will do a study on that property next year.

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